School has started. Instead of limiting my free time to work on flash work I find that my new organizational skills have helped me plan time for flash.
The concept art for my new movie is for the most part done and storyboarding has been going well. It's giving me a better feel for what my movies will look like on the screen when I start animating them rather than figuring what I want as I go along. Storyboarding was a great idea and one Im going to keep doing in the future.
No work yet on LFD2 since whenever my last update was about it, but I might try to get an hour or two in once in a while. Maybe having a scheduale will help me get more work done.
This is a short update, but just informing everyone that progress is being made on stuff. I'll have a pic of something in my next post, hopefully of LFD2 and not concept art from new movie.
I would post a comment, but I don't feel like it.
Thanks for the subtle, yet effective, advice