Until we get permission to post on the BBS, this post will serve as our make-shift forum for talking about the collab.
Halloween Collab 2010 Information
The main idea of this collab is to show how Halloween changes for people based on age,
starting from when we are little kids to adults in their thirties and beyond.
Here is the list of parts ( in order ) that will be animated.
1. Children go out trick-or-treating and are scarred by everything
2. Children ( a bit older ) go out and get candy
3. Children ( a bit older and bigger ) go out to further places and get more candy
4. Now the teens are too old to trick or treat. They get sad when nobody gives them
5. The next year they decide to be mischievous and cause destruction ( toilet papering
houses, egging cars, etc, maybe even steal candy)
6. Now they go to parties and their costumes are more extreme ( sluttier and more
7. Now they go to college where they party harder, get more drunk, and act crazier.
They go trick or treating, but for shots of liquor. They might trick or treat around
dorm rooms instead of houses.
8. Now they are old. They go to costume parties, but they are WAY less intense and
kind of lame. Imagine 30 year olds at costume parties.
9. Now they are old and hand out candy to children. No fun for them anymore
How To Animate the Parts
The genre of this collab is comedy, so every part should be its own funny story that when
combined with the other parts will form a funny collaboration of Halloween goodness.
There currently ( this is subject to change ) a list of character guidelines and a list of who is voicing which character, so if you join the collab this will get sent to you.
FPS : 24
Animate the movie on one movieclip on one keyframe in the main timeline.
Please make an AS2 file.
All sounds set to stream.
If you make any background images in Photoshop or any other program other than Flash,
please put them as a .png. I want to keep this thing as small as possible.
I only have Flash CS3, so please save the .fla as a CS3 file or under.
A widescreen ( 16:9) ratio of 720 x 405. A lot of space to work with so make the best use of
No sprites. Nothing against them, but I don't want them here.
Post WIP's on Dumping Grounds and show them frequently, either on an email list (to me or
One person can have a maximum of TWO (2) parts. If we really need people to take on three
parts or more, that will happen later on.
Early October at the latest, so lets make it October 1st. This will give me time to make
menus, get bios, and just string it all together. It will be submitted anytime between then and
October 31st. Also, make sure you add me as a buddy on Newgrounds so I can co-author
everyone involved.
Because I can't post on the forums yet due to the collab rules, this post will serve as our makeshift thread. Treat it like you would a forum.
List of Animators and their Parts
Part 1 :
Part 2 : dirtshake -- DONE
Part 3 : iceimp -- DONE
Part 4 : Tystarr
Part 5 : ColdReaver
Part 6 : Tyler
Part 7 : YungJazz
Part 8 :
Part 9 : SupraAddict
If you have any questions feel free to post here or PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Good Idea man, are we still going by a certain character design or are we freestyling by using different characters
Well thats what I asked in the last email I sent out. Nobody responded to it ( crushing my heart ) so I assume everyone is good using the characters previously set up.
Short answer is : character designs.